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#1 28/10/2013 12:13:34

Registered: 18/09/2013
Posts: 11

Setting up servers

I would like to setup the following three servers:

1. a development server
2. a test server
3. a front/live server

I want all development to take place at 1). When ready published to 2). When tested enough to make live then pushed to 3)

How can I do this and how can I set it up such that the selected parts at each time are transferred to respective servers?

Thanks for a promising Ametys!


#2 28/10/2013 12:35:55

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 330

Re: Setting up servers

What do you mean by "development" ? Do you mean new features/plugins ? New graphical skins ? Updated config files ?


#3 28/10/2013 12:53:31

Registered: 18/09/2013
Posts: 11

Re: Setting up servers


I mean the following:
1. I want three servers with ametys. All have different ip:s
2. The servers should link between in the sense when I publish development it goes to the test server. The same from test server to live server when pushed.
3. All servers are separate and work separately with different databases

The key is also the publishing development server->test server->live server. How to do that?

How can I do that?


#4 28/10/2013 13:04:17

Registered: 18/09/2013
Posts: 11

Re: Setting up servers

development server = server for our in-house development of a site


#5 28/10/2013 13:23:18

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 330

Re: Setting up servers

Do you mean you want to define/compose a site (sitemap, page, contents, ...) on a system and then publish it on another system ?
Ametys currently don't have any export/import feature for a single site (it is planned in a future release, but I don't have any schedule yet). You may want instead to copy the entire repository (containing all sites) from one system to another.


#6 28/10/2013 13:55:09

Registered: 18/09/2013
Posts: 11

Re: Setting up servers


how do I best copy?


#7 28/10/2013 13:56:10

Registered: 18/09/2013
Posts: 11

Re: Setting up servers

compose on one, test on one and publish on one...!
it is the key of enterprise systems!


#8 28/10/2013 15:36:05

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 330

Re: Setting up servers

while you're 100% right when it comes to developing new features, it is more rarely the case for publishing internet/intranet sites, where composing should be often near real-time and where CMS have builtin workflow features to implement the compose/validate/publish cycle!

Anyway, copying the repository depends of the underlying storage system used by Jackrabbit. If you use the default one (embededd Derby database), the "repository" directory is self-contained and you may simply copy the whole directory from one place to another.


#9 19/05/2014 09:13:01

Registered: 19/05/2014
Posts: 2

Re: Setting up servers

You might consider a publish/subscribe method and use your cron service to deploy it..
publish document,
subscribes see's new document
subscribes requests updated codebase,

from there it's just 'match the bytes'


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