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#1 03/06/2014 01:50:46

Registered: 19/05/2014
Posts: 2

Training Sessions

Hi, the training session which is advertised here:
This will be presented in which language? And if it will be presented in French do you have similar training sessions in English.

I would like to go ahead and deploy this solution using Bitnami, and start to customize it. I have been having this on my own computer a few times. 

However, I am curious as to why you state not to deploy the production version on a local computer (local IIS) seems the most logical way to perform/push the localized changes. ( i.e. visual only changes, template/css)


#2 03/06/2014 09:59:30

Raphaël Franchet
Expert Team
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 1,113

Re: Training Sessions

The webminar you linked to is not a training session and will be in french.
For the moment the manuals are in French and we still plan to traduce it. Consider to google translate it and ask any question you need in this forum.
Of course, to create your own skin for you web site, you should deploy it locally, but you should use the demo version to do so because it is easy to deploy, already configured and have data.
Once, your skin is ready, you should install the server version with empty data and copy your skin there.

Ametys is a java application and so will not work with IIS alone, it requires tomcat or jetty.

Raphael Franchet
Expert Ametys


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