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#1 15/09/2011 01:53:30

Registered: 15/09/2011
Posts: 1

Generation and distribution mechanism - HOWTO

Hi All,

I am very attracted to this feature Generation and distribution mechanism mentioned in . More specifically these two aspects:

From the Demonstration package, I was unable to find the way to do static HTML export. I have tried looking for info in the wiki but failed to find relevant ones there. One file I find appear to look a little related to what I hope to do is this one: .

I would like to ask for some guidance in using this feature (docs/code). I am a java developer (but with experience only in struts1 and hibernate :)). Getting this feature to work through non-web interface will be already very useful to me.

Thanks. :)


Last edited by ansyeow (15/09/2011 02:00:03)


#2 15/09/2011 13:36:08

Cédric Damioli
Ametys Product Manager
From: Toulouse
Registered: 10/08/2010
Posts: 330

Re: Generation and distribution mechanism - HOWTO

Hi Andrew,

Well, the first point you mention (static HTML export) used to be available in version 2.x, but is not yet available in 3.x.
We've planned to add this again in 3.4 or 3.5.
All code parts actually exist, and the generation itself works quite well (though not tested recently), but we still don't have written any web-UI or Web Service to access to it. So the feature exist but is currently unreachable.
And you are perfectly right with the SiteGenerator class which does the job.
If you want to test, fill JIRA issues or contribute some patches, you're obviously more than welcome!
You may also vote for , the ticket I opened to follow up on this. Don't hesitate to put your comments on this feature, to tell us how you would like to use it.

Concerning your second point, I think it works out of the box as mentionned. Do you have experienced any issue with seperated front-office and back-office ?



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